Wednesday, August 21, 2013

10 Day Juice Fast Summary

So that 10 day Juice fast I said I was going to do next spring, I actually did it in August. After gaining back most of the weight and realizing I was still not losing weight just maintaining, I decided to kick it up and go ahead with a 10 day fast to make sure I reboot my system.

This time no cleanse and supplements. Just juice, water, and herbal tea. I did take chlorella and spirulina, which is a blue/green algae.

First couple of days were as normal the worst physically. All the solid food was emptying out of my body and boy it was like an explosion. But I won't go into details...

So after I was cleaned out I barely had any bowel movements. Which by the 6th day is odd not having to go. It makes you think something is wrong, but there isn't. No solid food = nothing to push out that end. Most of that waste comes from urination.

Ok so while the entire 10 days (after the first 2) I felt amazing, mentally I was obsessing about food. When I would eat it, what it would be, and planning for the first meals. Now I know its only natural and all you can do it try to get your mind off of it. But that was the worst part for me. By Day 8 I was ready for it to be over and I was hoping I wouldn't need to do it again for a while.

So this fast came after a visit from my sister. While I didn't cheat much while she was here, I did cheat. Some with gluten, some with Dairy Queen! So a fast after that was probably good timing.

Day 1 my weight was 207 lbs.

Day 10 my weight was 197lbs.

10 days after my fast, I am 194lbs!

So not only am I not gaining it all back like before, I am losing more weight. Which was the goal.

I am going to be starting a new blog just as a chronicling of my journey from now on and I finally become someone who is not obese and is of normal weight and healthy.

Now of course the juice fast is not the only reason I am still losing weight. I drink a green smoothie for bfast, raw veggies for lunch and lean meat with sensible portions for dinner. Limited snacks like 10 nuts or an apple, just to keep the metabolism going.

Very hopeful I can lose the rest now and I will keep you updated over at the new blog!

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